Founded in 2017

ROndo Plaza Engraved Brick Program

Buy 1 Engraved Brick - $125 Buy 2 Engraved Bricks - $225 Buy 3 Engraved Bricks - $325

Buy 4 Engraved Bricks - $425 Buy 5 Engraved Bricks - $525 Buy Six Engraved Bricks - $625

Receive a free Centenarian Brick

If you would like to purchase more than six bricks, please contact our office by emailing or calling (651) 447-2157.

Our commemorative bricks are a special way to honor a loved one, give a meaningful gift to a friend or relative, celebrate a special date or event, and memorialize your family, a place of business, or yourself. Each brick and its story are recognized during an annual “Every Brick Counts” Ceremony on the third Thursday of September.

Rondo residents that have reached 100 years old will receive a brick at no charge to be placed in a special Rondo Centenarian Section of the History Walk.

Each brick is 8” X 3” in size. Your engraving includes three lines of 14 characters per line (up to 42 characters total). Characters include letters, numbers, hearts, punctuation marks, and spaces. Download and use our practice grid to ensure your inscription will fit.

Need inspiration? Check out our example bricks, or choose a Rondo business to honor from this list. If you need help determining your engraving, please reach out to Linda Cobb at

Every Brick Counts Ceremony, 2024

Every Brick Counts Ceremony, 2023