interested in researching rondo?

The Rondo Research Collection is a comprehensive collection of fiction and nonfiction, published and unpublished books, journals, articles, studies, essays, poems, programs, photographs, maps, posters, films, videotapes, and other media items where the main topic pertains to the past, present, and future of the Rondo neighborhood. Our research collection has a digital home at the Minnesota Digital Library, where you can view dozens of scanned materials for free, and a physical home at the Rondo Center of Diverse Expressions.

Marvin R. Anderson (left) examines an artifact brought by Rondo community member Lester O. Myles (right) at the Rondo History Harvest in 2017. Photo credit: Macalester College.

Marvin R. Anderson explains the story behind a spoof Ebony magazine cover to Amy Sullivan. The magazine cover was a gift for his mother on her 100th birthday. Photo credit: Macalester College.

Interested in adding material to the Collection?

If you have old photos, videos, original poetry, artwork, creative writing pieces, pamphlets, invitations, booklets, flyers, maps, posters, or any other type of material that pertains in any way to Rondo, please consider entering it into our collection. Materials can be added digitally, so that you can keep the physical object, or physically, as a donation to RCODE. Reach out to to learn more.


  • There are two ways to access materials:

    1) Head to the Minnesota Digital Library’s website and click on the button that says “Browse the Rondo Center of Diverse Expression collection.” There, you’ll find dozens of materials relating to the Rondo neighborhood. We are always uploading materials, but this takes time.

    2) Schedule an appointment to view materials in person by reaching out to Linda at

  • We welcome any new materials relating to the past, present, and future of Rondo. Non-tangible items, like stories, count too! Please reach out to Linda at, Marvin at, or Katie at to ask about inclusion of your materials in the digital or physical research collection.

  • Please reach out to Marvin Anderson at with any inquiries about research.